Friday, July 31, 2009


you'll never know how much i care
even sometimes it's too unfair
every time you are here 
i don't have the guts to get near

ang hirap talaga magmahal ng taong di mo malapitan, di mo mahawakan.  hanggang tingin kana lang...sinusubaybayan ang kanyang bawat ngiti...inaantay ang kanyang paglingun... basta makita ko lang sya masaya na ako..

Monday, July 6, 2009




The sky begin to dull

As the thick clouds

Overcast the shining sun.


Just then it started to drizzle

Next a downpour

Soon the wind begins to blow.


The ground gradually wet

The dead leaves started to fall

And my tears begin to flow.


When the rain ceased streaming down

And the sun breaks the darkness

I hope I can already let go

      the memories

            of me

                        and you..



The Man I Used To Hate


            His words were the law and his hands were formidable weapon of discipline. A slight mistake will surely catch his attention that will cause him to get mad at me.. He would gaze at me and when things turned worse, he was ready to unleash his reproach, making sure that my childish ways should not be repeated.

            I hated him for the days that he deprived me of all the things a child must enjoy. He never let me play with other children down the street. I was so lonely for the days that he imprisoned me in his small world where in his words are the law, law that drove me away from him. I used to complain but only in my mind when he’s not listening. I never have the guts to complain him directly because I’m afraid that my skin would get a taste of his brown leather belt. Anyway, my word is of no use to him though I’ll voice out what is within.

            There were not just few times that I envied my friends and wished to have been born in someone else’s home or other parents. There were times that I would cry till I fall asleep but he would never show a sign that he had a change of heart.

            I hated him for the days that he seemed to ignore me because I was not able to satisfy his expectations. I hated him for the days that he lost his interest in attending the meetings in school because I’m not on the top as he always wishes. I hated him when I learned about his another family. He keep on telling to my mother that I’m still young and I can’t still manage to understand those but how can I understand if he never dared to explain.

            I can’t deny the fact that I am distant and cold toward him because there were those circumstances that gave me the hint that I was not his own and I hated him so much for that. I can’t forget the letter that I’ve read on his maleta that was couple of years ago.

Ma, keep on eye to your second daughter I have a sense that she will grow up with a big head and can be a black sheep of the family if you will not going to watch her behavior.” He’s still working at Saudi Arabia when he sent that letter to my mother and perhaps I’m still five years of age at that time and yet he had that kind of idea and impression to me already. That’s why I’m no longer amazed why he treated me that way. He was very strict. He gave me the impression that the world is a dangerous place even in a situation that seems so good.

            I don’t know if he was just trying to protect me from being hurt or he’s just afraid that I can make the same mistakes he did.

            For seventeen years life is nothing but a hell for me… I dwell in a place where I lived my life according to his will and according to his law.. . But the door of heaven opened up to me (maybe to both of us). A nun gets me out of his fence. She brought me here in Manila to pursue my bachelor degree. At long last I was able to get rid of him.

            New place, new environment, new faces and a new page of my life, new perspective had been turned upon. I met the real FATHER. The father who is patient, the father who is willing to listen and willing to talk, the father who never put mark on my feet but in my heart, the father who teach me how to forgive and to love my own father. I don’t know why changes take place… Is it because I’m already matured and begin to realized and understand everything? I guess it’s the distance that provoked him to have a change of heart. It’s through the distance that made him realized my worth. It’s through the distance that I learned to forgive. It’s the distance that made us closer.


            God damn it.... i cried and cried after reading his message. I can’t understand my feeling. I supposed to be happy because at long last the tall and huge tree had finally learned to bend…. But why were those tears keep on falling, why does my heart keep on bleeding…perhaps because of regrets…

            August 27, 2007, he chooses another path. He left us for good. It took me years before I realized what he meant – that behind the spanks, his angry stares and occasional curses was a caring and loving heart.

            Putting down my pride, I must admit I’ve been missing this man that I used to hate. Someday, somehow we’ll be together again, no longer in HELL but in heaven.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

When There's No Way Out..
"Open the door! or else...."

"'We should stop this insanity....we should stop our relationship... "

"Do you think  you can just get rid of me this way!?"

"But a man like you and a woman like me were just nothing. We are the center of criticism, the object of ridicule, the laughingstock of the world..."

"I don't care what the fucking Earth say! I love you and I cant live without you!"

"But i don't love you anymore....Let's just set each other free...."

"What do you prefer? Live your life with me or savor the unbearable pain of death?"

"This is enough. Make one mistake and you will be doomed  for life...and loving you is a big mistake..."

"Yah! perhaps our favorite mistake..."

"There's no room for mistakes in this world - only in HELL!"

"Well, see you then my dear...!"


Bang .....! Bang.....! Silence everywhere.... Rain poured to the arid earth and wash out the bloody ground...